Evidence is driven by the experiences one carries along with the joy of discovery of one’s unique ability.


“I was looking for ways to help my daughter manage her anxiety and stress that she has developed the past year. We have seen specialists and tried a few things with little success, it was hard for her, as it is for me to see how much this affected her. After doing a bit of research online, I came across Prathiba site. At first, I didn’t think she would get much out of it, and my daughter was reluctant to go, but I persisted and I am so glad I did. From the very first session and particularly the second, I could see how relaxed, relieved and happier my daughter is.”

— Parent

“My thoughts and feelings are reducing slowly and I also feel calm, after I do the homework yoga practice”

— 12y/o girl with highly functioning autism

“My daughter is vision impaired, she practices yoga at home, using techniques Prathiba have shown her, she is managing so much better. Due to Covid, we continued our sessions online, and she was able to do this at home with ease.”

— Parent