Strengthening Practice Delivery

 W-E recognises the importance for organisations in Australasia and South Asia to be empowered with a practice framework integrating trauma theories into cultural needs.


Practice Leadership

Wellbeing needs for marginalised population, suffering from complex trauma are often found run by non profit sectors with passionate staff and volunteers. Leadership in such sectors recognises the hard work placed upon the personnel to deliver outcomes while carrying challenges of work such as engagement barriers.

W-E services are experienced in such sectors to offer managers, team leaders a radical way to look at vicarious trauma by integrating systemic neuroscience into service policies, structure and operation.


Practice Delivery

Our work in cross cultural sectors such as legal services, correction services, family violence workers, childcare workers, face engagement barriers due to known cultural reasons (language, mental health stigma, shame) and unknown cultural reasons (differences in emotional expressions).

W-E offers reflective practice based learning where teams facing common barriers in their practice will carry clarity in their framework of assessment and intervention by integrating western theories of attachment and mental health with eastern beliefs and values for recovery.